Monday, August 17, 2009

Kate's First Day of Preschool

Kate is going to preschool at the "Flip Zone" which is a local gymnastic school. This is where she has taken gymnastic lessons from in the past. The best part about the preschool program is that she gets to do 45 min of gymnatics each time! Getting two birds with one stone outa this deal!!

She was super-duper excited about going. After a little crying, she did great. She had a great time and her teachers (which one of happens to be a neighbor!) said she is a very, happy little girl. And of course, she said her favorite part was GYMNASTICS!!!!! I did okay dropping her off....I cried more after picking her up as I was so proud of my little girl as she talked non-stop about her first day of preschool.
Kate oustide the house before we left.

Kate with her "My Little Pony" backpack that she picked out.

After her first day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE the expression on her face in that 1st picture. She looks so excited!!
