Speaking of fresh starts, today is my first day as a "SAHM-who-is-an-unemployed-college-student". And of course, one of the kids have to be sick. Kate has been running a low-grade fever all day and has spent most of the day sleeping. Luke went to VBS this morning, albiet kicking and screaming, but warmed up to it once he got there. It is amazing what I can get accomplished with one kid out of the house with the other one sleeping!
We have the 'alligator' pool set up on the deck and Luke has invited all the kids on the street over for a 'pool' party. Ah, this will be an intersting summer that I think will involve me drinking alot of wine!!!

I'm so glad you finally caved!! I'll give you as many pointers as I can on how to set up your blog and add all the fun stuff. Welcome. :)