After an emotional weekend trying to prepare myself that my baby boy is growing up and still trying figure out how the heck I am supposed to do this without Mark....Luke started Kindergarten.
Sunday: we had "Meet the Teacher," which involved Luke hiding under a desk....before coming out to actually meet her. Her name is Mrs. Rogers and I think she is going to be great. She is just around my age. She has lots of enthusiasm and you can tell she relates well to the kids.
Monday: He did okay at first. He was excited to walk to school with his neighbor friends. He goes into the classroom just fine, put his backpack in his cubby without a problem....the problem came when I stayed in the classroom too long to try to talk to Mrs. Rogers....just like every other when we did go to leave, he wasn't having it, and clinged to my leg. We went out into the hallway, and the principal, Mr. Cooney (who is awesome, knows of our situation and remembers Luke from being at the school as a 3 yr old in the preschool program) was nice to come and help out.
After I got home and spent quite a few minutes crying my eyeballs out, I got to spend some time with Kate. We went shopping at Kohl's. Of course they had a great clearance sale, so Kate and I had fun picking out dresses. Nothing like a little retail therapy to calm anxiety. And watch out the girl already loves to shop!
We then came home and we both anxiously awaited Luke to come home on the bus (Okay, they won't bus him in the morning as we live too close, but they will bus him home since he is in Kindergarten...I know, makes no sense but I figured he might as well take the bus home since he likes to ride the bus). He came off the bus all excited and couldn't wait to tell me about the "cat dinosaur" book he got to check out of the library. And he was excited to go back! Whew....
Tuesday: Okay, I spoke too soon. After hearing for an hour after he got up of "I don't want to go to school" and "I did not ask you to sign me up for school" in which I replied "Sorry, Luke, it is the LAW you have to go to school" (Okay a little stretch there....Kindergarten is not mandatory in Indiana, but a white lie won't hurt). He wasn't even up to walking with his friends at first but once he saw them walking to school, he went. We got to the classroom and wouldn't go in, so Mrs. Rogers came out to help. Then I followed the advice of my mentor when it comes to dropping of your child somewhere they are anxious about you leaving is kinda like a fire drill... STOP, DROP, and RUN. The teacher said I wasn't even 10 feet down the hallway when he went into the room with no problem.
Wednesday: Luke was begging me to go to school 15 minutes before we had to leave and was already outside with his backpack on before I was ready to go. I walked him to the front door of the school, gave him a kiss and he walked to his classroom all on his own with out a fuss or any leg clinging. (I sure hope I am not jinxing myself by saying this!).
Now Kate really wants to go with him. She has to wear her backpack too. She starts preschool next week so we'll see how that goes...
Luke walking to school the first day.

Luke putting his backpack in his cubby.

Luke getting off the bus.