Here are a few pics of Gilbert, our new cat. In case you are wondering, he is named after the cat on the kid's cartoon "Caillou". Gilbert has made himself right at home and fits right in. He really is a good cat and is very tolerant of the kids (and Buddie too). The vet thinks he is just around a year old. My mom reminded me that he looks like a cat I had growing up that we called Sylvester. That is probably why I took to Gilbert so quickly. So when the kids ask me what kind of cat Gilbert is, I tell them a Sylvester cat. See it is little harder to determine with cats then dogs their 'breed'...and according to the Cat books we got from the library, he is a non-tabby, domesticated short-hair...sounds like a Heinz 57 cat too me (which means a little of everything).
Gilbert soaking up the sun on my mom's porch on our visit to A'town.

Gilbert making himself comfy in the spare carseat.
One of Gilbert's favorite hiding the garage, on top of Mark's 1968 Mustang.

Luke, Kate, Buddie and Gilbert all cozy on the couch.

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